About Us


The Ripple Reach!

By DJ Shilpi Sharma

Hello, music lovers!

I’m DJ Shilpi Sharma, and after 13 incredible years of spinning the decks and energizing crowds, I’m thrilled to share my passion for music in a new way through my website. This platform isn’t just about me; it’s a collective space for all of us who live and breathe music. Through “The Ripple Reach,” I aim to share the insights and knowledge I’ve gained from working alongside some of the finest talents in the music and Bollywood industry.

My journey has taught me the power of music and its ability to connect with people on a deep level. Here, you’ll find everything from the latest music news, my personal takes on new releases, to in-depth interviews with some of the most talented musicians and DJs out there. I’ve also curated playlists and podcasts that I believe will resonate with you, drawing from my 14 years of experience to select tunes that uplift, inspire, and get people moving. This space, The Ripple Reach, is where I bring all of that together for you. While I may not claim to be the ultimate authority in music, my years behind the decks have given me a keen sense of what moves a crowd.

Join me here, where we celebrate the power of music together, in the simplest and most humble way.

the ripple reach website by DJ Shilpi Sharma
About the ripple Reach by DJ Shilpi Sharma

What We Create!

Music Reviews




DJ Blogs


The Best Blogging Platform for you to Find Information On Indian Music

Are you tired of searching the internet for a single platform that caters to all your Indian music needs? Look no further! We understand the frustration of searching high and low for  honest quality music reviews, engaging blogs, and meticulously curated playlists. That’s why we’ve taken matters into our own hands and created the ultimate solution. Introducing our revolutionary blogging platform, your one-stop destination for everything related to Indian music. Gone are the days of endless searching and disappointment. With us, you’ll have access to a entertainment right at your fingertips. Say goodbye to the hassle and hello to a seamless music discovery experience.. Here, you’ll find everything from trending music insights to artist profiles and their journey in and out of their lives , podcast interviews with your favourite musicians and singers, and even exclusive content on DJing. It’s all here, waiting for you to explore and enjoy.


About the ripple Reach by DJ Shilpi Sharma
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